Set-Up and Installation Guides



5 Stage RO Installation (Simple)

General 3-7 Stage Reverse Osmosis Systems for Under-sink Installation (Complete)

Hydroponic Reverse Osmosis Filtration Manual (3 and 4 Stage)

Countertop RO Systems

Oceanic HYDRO Pal and Portable RO Systems (3-5 Stage)

Portable Reverse Osmosis System Installation (RO and RODI)



Portable RODI Filter Systems

Aquarium Reef Reverse Osmosis 4 Stage RODI Water Filtration System

Aquarium Reef Reverse Osmosis 5-7 Stage RODI Water Filtration System

General Aquarium DI Reverse Osmosis System Installation

5 or 6 Stage RODI- Single/Dual DI

Dual Outlet Drinking + RO/DI Installation



Commercial Reverse Osmosis 300-800 GPD Installation

Commercial Reverse Osmosis 600/1000 GPD Installation



Installation Instructions for Whole House Blue Filters 

Oceanic Air Injection Systems 2510SXT Installation

Oceanic Air Injection Systems 5600SXT Installation

Installation Instructions for Backwashing Systems with Fleck 5600 and 5600SXT

Installation Instructions for Water Softeners with Fleck 5600 and 5600SXT

Calcite Upflow Installation Manual 

Brine Tank Installation Manual

Salt Free Water Conditioner Installation Manual




Countertop and Portable Reverse Osmosis System Installation

Aquarium DI Reverse Osmosis System Installation

4-6 Stage Reverse Osmosis Systems for Under-sink Installation

Counter top Water Filtration installation

Reverse Osmosis Installation

Booster Pump Installation

Delivery Pump Installation

Permeate Pump Installation



Whole House Systems:

Carbon Upflow Manual

Salt Free Water Conditioner Installation

Backwashing Filter System Manual

Installation Instructions for Whole House Blue Filters 

Installation Instructions for Backwashing Systems with Fleck 5600 and 5600SXT - Calcite or Carbon

Installation Instructions for Water Softeners with Fleck 5600 and 5600SXT

Water Softener Installation

Oceanic Air Injection Systems 2510SXT Installation 

Oceanic Air Injection Systems 5600SXT Installation




Fleck Installation Guide

Brochure: Fleck 5600 (40829)

Manual (French Canadian): 5600SXT Service Downflow (42684-FC)

Manual (French Canadian): 5600SXT Service Upflow (42683-FC)

Manual (Spanish): 5600SXT Service Downflow (42684-S)

Manual: 5600 Owners - Spanish (BR42447)

Manual: 5600 Owner's (42447)

Manual: 5600 Service Downflow (40106)

Manual: 5600SXT Service Downflow (42684)

Manual: 5600SXT Service Upflow (42683)

Spec Sheet (French Canadian): 5600 (40730-FC)

Spec Sheet (Spanish): 5600 (40730-S)

Spec Sheet: 5600 (40730)

Warranty: Limited - Global (40957)

Warranty: Limited - FAQs (4002608)



5600 Swivel

Brochure: Fleck 5600 (40829)

Manual (French Canadian): 5600SXT Service Downflow (42684-FC)

Manual (French Canadian): 5600SXT Service Upflow (42683-FC)

Manual (Spanish): 5600SXT Service Downflow (42684-S)

Manual: 5600SE Service Downflow - Archive (19742-02)

Manual: 5600SXT Service Downflow (42684)

Manual: 5600SXT Service Upflow (42683)

Programming Insert: 5600SE Downflow - Archive (41674)

Programming Insert: 5600SE Upflow - Archive (41675)

Spec Sheet (French Canadian): 5600 Swivel (42749-FC)

Spec Sheet (Spanish): 5600 Swivel (42749-S)

Spec Sheet: 5600 Swivel (42749)

Warranty: Limited - Global (40957)

Warranty: Limited - FAQs (4002608)


5800 Valve

Installation Guide 5800

Brochure (Spanish): 5800 Valve Evolution (43441-S)

Brochure: 5800 Valve Evolution (43441)

Brochure: Fleck 5800 Series (4004315)

Manual (French Canadian): 5800 LXT Downflow/Upflow Service (43359-FC)

Manual (French Canadian): 5800 SXT Downflow/Upflow Service (43359-01-FC)

Manual (Spanish): 5800 LXT Downflow/Upflow Service (43359-S)

Manual: 5800 LXT Downflow/Upflow Service (43359)

Manual: 5800 SXT Downflow/Upflow Service (43359-01)

Manual: 5800 XTR2 Service (43359-02)

Spec Sheet (French Canadian): 5800 Valve (43350-FC)

Spec Sheet (French Canadian): LXT Controller (4002913-FC)

Spec Sheet (Spanish): 5800 Valve (43350-S)

Spec Sheet (Spanish): LXT Controller (4002913-S)

Spec Sheet: 5800 Valve (43350)

Spec Sheet: LXT Controller (4002913)

Warranty: Limited - Global (40957)

Warranty: Limited - FAQs (4002608)



5810 Valve

Brochure: Fleck 5800 Series (4004315)

Manual (French Canadian): Fleck 5810 & 5812 SXT Upflow/Downflow (44019-FC)

Manual (French Canadian): Fleck 5810 & 5812 XTR2 (44020-FC)

Manual: Fleck 5810 & 5812 SXT Upflow/Downflow (44019)

Manual: Fleck 5810 & 5812 XTR2 (44020)

Spec Sheet (French Canadian): 5810 Valve (4004318-FC)

Spec Sheet (Spanish): Fleck 5810 (4004318-S)

Spec Sheet: 5810 Valve (4004318)



5812 Valve

Brochure: Fleck 5800 Series (4004315)

Manual (French Canadian): Fleck 5810 & 5812 SXT Upflow/Downflow (44019-FC)

Manual (French Canadian): Fleck 5810 & 5812 XTR2 (44020-FC)

Manual: Fleck 5810 & 5812 SXT Upflow/Downflow (44019)

Manual: Fleck 5810 & 5812 XTR2 (44020)

Spec Sheet (French Canadian): 5812 Valve (4004319-FC)

Spec Sheet (Spanish): 5812 Valve (4004319-S)

Spec Sheet: 5812 Valve (4004319)



Fleck 2510 

Fleck 2510-SXT


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